What We Do

Crypto Tech Ads offers high quality organic traffic for advertisers. Our proprietary adserving platform allows advertisers to utilize our data to target users in a valuable way. We know organic traffic out performs other traffic and through Crypto Tech Ads we can help advertisers capitalize on it.


Our adserving platform has been designed to be secure and accurate. To ensure we continue to deliver high performing traffic to our advertisers, we developed our proprietary adversing solution. Through our data collection, we have discovered new and unique ways to target advertisements through our traffic delivery system. We also pride ourselves on our security and fraud detection to protect advertisers in this market. Our superior adserving technology takes online advertising to the next level.

Our Company

Crypto Tech Ads is owned and operated by CryptoTech Ltd, a British Virgin Islands based company. Our team has a background in developing technology in the online space. We have combined our knowledge of security and our passion for online advertising to develop a solution that

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